Tuesday, 10 March 2015

5 Ways To Get The Best From Your Business Cards

Business cards are one of the most effective ways to introduce people to your business. In order to ensure that they are truly effective, you will want to create business cards that people would rather keep, than throw away. Crystal Print look at the five main ways that you can achieve this, which we have discussed below:

Give The Right Details

Business cards are professional tools and therefore you should only include professional contact details for you on the card. Personal social media addresses should be avoided, although if you have a profile for your business then it is fine to include this. You should also ensure that your correct details are on the card, such as the right phone number.

Choose The Right Graphics

High definition graphics should always be used on business cards to create a good first impression. Include your logo somewhere on the card so people will associate this logo with your business when they see it. If your logo is updated at any point then you will need to get your cards re-printed so you are always giving across a consistent image.

Be Original

Your contacts probably find that they are always being handed business cards so you need to do something that will make your card stand out from the crowd. This can be an unusual image that is relevant to the industry you work in, or some copy that will make you and your business memorable.

Choose The Right Paper

You should choose high quality paper for your business cards that will be noticed as soon as you hand the card over. The cards should be a good thickness and not feel flimsy in your hand. If you have the opportunity you should feel the thickness of the paper your card will be printed on at the beginning of the process so that you know whether it suits your requirements.

Choose Quality Printing

Having your business cards professionally printed is an investment that is worth making because of the impression that they will give. All of the other hard work you do in creating your business cards will be undone if the print is of poor quality. Ideally you want to look for a company that uses technology to create high quality print that is still cost effective.

When it comes to printing, and business cards specifically, Crystal Print have all the tools and ammunition to help you succeed, producing aesthetically pleasing and creatively designed business cards that are sure to turn a few heads along the way. Contact us today on 01277 650661 and we can discuss your business card needs with you. Thanks for reading.